DB Fire Solutions can provide surveys for passive fire protection as part of our wider offering to the fire sector.

Our service within this field involves conducting surveys of critical passive fire protection measures, this can include fire doors, compartment lines and service penetrations, fundamentally anything that serves to control the development and spread of fire. Where necessary, we explain where replacing and / or upgrading the existing components is appropriate to satisfy fire performance requirements.

A survey could involve surveying a small area of a building, the entire building or an entire estate. On completion, a detailed report on the status of your passive fire protection measures will be provided.

We will assess whether these fire safety measures within the building are adequate and comply with the requirements of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order (RRFSO).

The RRFSO places legal duties on the Responsible Person to ensure the safety of people in the building they are in control of, in the event of a fire. This includes ensuring that the fire safety provisions are sufficient and retain the ability to resist the passage and spread of fire throughout their lifetime.

However, fire resistance capabilities may be seriously compromised if they have not been installed and maintained by someone who has appropriate knowledge of these complex life safety products e.g. a fire door’s fire resistance performance can be weakened if components such as hardware, glazing and intumescent strips are installed incorrectly or not to specification.

It is therefore essential to make sure your fire safety provisions are inspected by an expert.